Pilates for menopause – yet another reason it’s good for you!
There’s one BIG and very important reason why Pilates is the perfect exercise to practice when you head into menopause. It helps to keep your bones strong by working with your own body weight and with weighted exercises.
During menopause, the risk of osteoporosis can increase due to a lowering of the homormone oestrogen.
So, working with weights as well as our own body weight is vital, as strength training exercises will help to build bone and muscle strength.

Screenshot taken from one of Jo’s on-demand workout classes – Rock bottoms
During menopause, because bone density decreases, it’s weight bearing and weighted exercises that will help counterbalance this.
How? Well, it’s because the action of muscle pulling on bone which results in denser, stronger bones which are less likely to break.
Strength training is also fabulous to do, as the higher the muscle to fat ratio we have, the more metabolically active we are and so the more calories we burn.

Screenshot taken from one of Jo’s on-demand workout classes – Upper body weights
Therefore a good pilates regime will target muscle and bone strength, directly aiding in the prevention of osteoporosis.
If you’d like to know how I can help you, to help yourself – visit my Menopause Metamorphosis page.
I’m so proud of our amazing membership – here’s a snippet from a recent email …
“I Just wanted to drop you a note to say how much I’m enjoying the menopause program! Life is incredibly busy of late and we have also sold our house and buying a new one in the countryside. But I’m determined to stick to the classes, I so need them to keep me sane at this crazy time! Im full into menopause now too….
I have been with you around 18 months now and can honestly say I so look forward to my 30 minute class each work day morning. Your classes give me routine, it’s really toned me up and I thoroughly look forward to laughing along with you… most days I’m chuckling along
it sets my day up!”
Thanks so much to Lesley for her lovely words.