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The content you are trying to access is for the Jo Tuffrey Workout Family.

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Jo’s been teaching fitness and exercise for the last 30 years and gets asked a lot of questions along the way.

Some questions are more common than others.

Our pilates at home members ask questions a lot – and so we decided to answer some of the more common ones in this video.

You can use the chapter button on the tool bar to jump to specific questions.

Here are the questions she answers …

What’s the best way to get started with the Club / fitness in general?

How many times each week should I exercise?

Is a 30 minute session long enough?

How do you make time to exercise?

Why do you vary your workouts so much?

Why are strength, stamina and flexibilty are so important?

Are there any limits on how often you can stretch?

Any advice for ‘crepey’ arms?!

What exercises would you recommend for runners?

After six months – what are you feelings about your Workout Club?

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The content you are trying to access is for the Jo Tuffrey Workout Family.

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