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Nudea is revolutionising the underwear industry, by offering a unique custom diagnostic fitting process with their tried and tested “Fit Tools”.

They offer 60 second online quiz and personalised “Virtual Fit” Consultations with bra experts and a custom designed tape measure that can be used at home. Gone are the days of having a bra fitting at your local department or clothing store.

Jo chats with Priya Downes, one of Nudea’s co-founders who explains the story behind Nudea. She provides all kinds of advice when it comes to buying bras and also reveals the number of times that breast size changes in your life – intrigued?

Sit back, pour yourself a coffee and have a watch – we think you’ll really enjoy their chat.

Find out more at

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Katie Bishop is back with another recipe to make your mouth water – easy fish pie.

As this recipe says – it’s super easy, as well tasty and nourishing.

This is great for a family meal or entertaining a group – what’s also brilliant is that you can make it ahead of time too.



Preparation time: 10 minutes
Time to cook: 20 minutes
Serves: 6 people


500ml whole milk
2 fresh bay leaves
1 small onion, finely chopped
3-4 anchovies in olive oil, drained and chopped
4 tbsp cornflour
4 tbsp dry white wine
750g mixed fish fillet (haddock, cod, salmon), skinned, cut into large chunks
150-250g raw, peeled king prawns
2 tbsp flat-leaf parsley, chopped
75g fresh breadcrumbs
25g Parmesan, finely grated

Let’s get cooking …

  1. Preheat the grill to medium.
  2. Pour the milk into a large, shallow, ovenproof and flameproof casserole dish (or use a saucepan and transfer to an ovenproof dish later).
  3. Add the bay leaves, onion and anchovies and bring to a gentle simmer for 5 minutes or until the onion is tender.
  4. Mix the cornflour with 4 tbsp cold water to make a paste. Stir into the milk and simmer for 2-3 minutes, until thickened slightly.
  5. Stir in the white wine and then the fish. Season and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Stir in the prawns and cook for a further 3-5 minutes or until the prawns are pink. Remove the bay leaves, then add the parsley.
  7. If needed, transfer the mixture into a 2 litre ovenproof dish.
  8. Mix the breadcrumbs and cheese together, then scatter over the top of the fish.
  9. Grill for 5 minutes or until golden and bubbling. Serve immediately. Great with steamed green beans.

Other ideas

If you’re a fan of peas, add a few handfuls of frozen or fresh peas to the mixture at the same time as the fish.

If you want to make this ahead, just make the fish layer, then cool, cover and chill for up to 24 hours, then when ready to eat, reheat gently and add the crumbs at the last minute and continue as above.


Katie will be back next month with something else delicious to try.

In the meantime, you can find out more about her at or follow her on Instagram at @ktbishopcooks


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Each month, we feature one of our amazing Weekly Workout Club members here in our shiny wellness and lifestyle area.

If you’re a member, you’ll know that its really important to Jo that we are all in this together and supporting one another on our fitness journeys.  This is the reason why Jo always refers to the club as the ‘Weekly Workout Family!’

We thought it was time for members to get to know each other a little more and to share some stories and experiences.

Our June spotlight features Camilla Seymour, one of our very early members – Camilla lives in Somerset and has written a wonderful spotlight below …

Tell us about yourself

I am 60 years old and teach the violin, which is a job I love. I think it is a real privilege to work with children and young adults.

I have three grown up children and a pianist husband. I’ve done Pilates for years but teachers kept leaving or class times were mornings or early evenings when I was teaching, so I was looking for classes online and getting heartily fed up with American teachers who were all “work your booty.”

When I found Jo she was a breath of fresh air. I love the way she loves it – it’s infectious and one doesn’t feel she is doing it just for the money or to create some fitness empire.

I also have invested in a Bellicon rebounder ( eye wateringly expensive) but I love the sensation of jumping without damaging your joints and by using weights you can increase the heart rate and use different muscles. It’s a good compliment to Jo’s classes. I also have a young black Labrador so I am up with the lark for an hour’s walking too.

I am very interested in all things health and listen to podcasts when I bounce. The gut biome a few years ago became a fascinating topic (except if you were my children!) and now it is sleep. I have found magnesium glycinate immensely helpful. Today I added cold showers to ward off Alzheimer’s but I’m not sure how long this will last… Also breath work and breathing through the nose more is another new area of interest. Oh and gua sha!

I met Jo and her husband once a few years ago when she came to Bath and she is exactly as she is on the videos except even more glowing and laughy and well just utterly lovely (and tiny!)

Apart from music I love gardening, calligraphy and being by the sea.

Why do you exercise?

I exercise to feel energised and strong.

I am aware that as one ages the mantra “Use it or Lose it” becomes increasingly relevant. I also want to keep up my bone density and flexibility, plus that all important balance.

Apparently ( heard on the radio this morning!) after car crashes, death by falling is the next most common reason. So I am trying to stand on one leg now as well as balance with my eyes shut. I also want to keep my muscle mass so I don’t become an instant blancmange in my later years – and yes I do want to keep my weight down too!

What motivates you to exercise regularly?

Jo is a great motivator – what nicer way to start the day than having a good laugh with her? Plus, it’s so wonderful that each class is completely different so boredom never creeps in.

In the very early days before there was a new class twice a week, I used to rotate the classes and could tell how I was progressing by the number of times I had a quick rest. Now I rarely have to press pause.

So getting stronger is a great motivator and also noticing my arms weren’t flabby and walking up hills was easy. Of course one feels great afterwards so there is a little addiction to those endorphins too.

Your top 3 favourite Workout Club classes?

Hmm, a tricky one as I like so many.

Very very often I find the class is totally in tune with what I feel I need. The other day there was a stretch class which was delicious as I had woken after a bad night and felt stiff and creaky.

Probably Rock’nRoll, Release the hips, Serene Stretch, oh there are so many!

(Those workouts available to logged in members only)

What’s your favourite type of exercise?

Well, obviously the ones I find easy peasy!

I love the hip rolls with the feet on the floor, as it really helps my stiff lower back, and I like most leg ones, and the jujee. I hate the ones where you lie on your tummy and have your feet like a mermaid and have to lift your legs up. Mine barely leave the floor and I feel like a beached whale.

However I know this is the exercise I need to do a LOT to strengthen my back. I have started to do it on a gym ball as it’s more comfortable. I am thrilled with the 10 minute blasts as sometimes I get late and so can still target something before work. I think Jo once said she would do some face exercises which would be fabulous! (coming soon!)

(Blasts available to logged in members only)

Favourite food?

My breakfast – home made kefir with homemade buckwheat granola, lots of frozen berries defrosted overnight and passionfruit.

I once read no one wakes up hungry, but I do – the thought of breakfast gets me out of bed. Salted roasted Spanish almonds are my go to can’t-stop-eating snack.

Favourite drink?

Hmm, I’ve started making Kombucha which I do like but not yet my favourite. I think maybe I have favourite drinks at different times of day…a really good decaf latte in the morning, a really good cup of tea in the afternoon, a really good green smoothie etc.

Sadly alcohol makes me drunk in about three sips. Cheap date.

Favourite book?

This is impossible! I think books speak to you at different times in one’s life. Sometimes a book will really resonate because of your personal circumstances, and other times a book with brilliant reviews will leave me feeling meh.

Recently I really enjoyed A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, which was beautifully nuanced and brilliantly written. Novels I reread every ten years are Nancy Mitford’s Pursuit of Love and Love in a Cold Climate.

Favourite film?

Also completely impossible! I loved Les Intouchables, and The Chorus, and of course all Audrey Hepburn’s films.


Thank you so much to Camilla for her wonderful spotlight article. We’ll feature another member next month and if you’d like to be featured – drop us a line!

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