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I get asked a lot in my face to face classes about Pilates ring exercises. It’s one of my favourite pieces of equipment, because it really does help to challenge the body in different ways.

In this article, I give some background on the Pilates ring, list 5 different exercises and show you some options on where to buy one. I finish with a pilates ring exercise video, where I explain how to get the most from it and where you should be feeling it, when you work out. Enjoy!

The Pilates Ring – background

You will hear this piece of equipment being referred to as many different things, including the magic circle, the Pilates hoop, the Pilates circle, the fitness ring and in fact, many of my clients refer to it as the “hoop of hell”! It was originally created by Joseph Pilates – where (according to legend) he took the metal ring from a beer barrel and connected wooden blocks to the side of it.

Fortunately, today’s Pilates rings are a little more comfortable to use – as the internal metal rings are covered in rubber and the pads on each side are cushioned.

I like to use a circle in my classes, because it provides yet another method of challenging the body in a different way. It will provide a moderate resistance when exercising and it should be remembered that the intention isn’t to squeeze it as hard as you can! It’s about gentle tension, which really challenges the muscles.

They are lightweight – making them great to travel with and I think relatively inexpensive too.

What are the options to buy one?

Here in the UK, Pilates rings vary from around £10 to around £25. They do come in a few different colours too, if you’re looking to match your colours at home!

This blue one, shown below is currently Amazon’s Choice for “pilates circle” and comes in three different sizes.

For £9.99 – it’s definitely great value. With 300+ ratings – you know it’s a good buy.

Alternatively, as a slightly more expensive option, this green one currently has nearly 2,000 ratings and at the time of writing is discounted to £16.99.

They are of course sold in the larger sports equipments stores too.

Pilates ring exercises

There are dozens of exercises you can do with the circle. Inside my Workout Club, I’ve a whole category of workouts dedicated to this piece of equipment (you will need to be a member and logged in for that link to work).

I want to show you some simple exercises that you can incorporate into your pilates workouts at home.

Exercise 1 – Side press

Jo demonstrating a side press with a pilates ring

This first exercise is nice and simple.

Stand with your feet hip width apart.

Place one of the pads of the circle against your hip. (Don’t place it on your ribs!)

Place the heel of your hand on the pad and then gently press against the circle and then release. Make sure you keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears.

This exercise is working the arm and underneath the armpits, into the lats. The pilates circle brings a new dimension to this very basic exercise.

In the image above, I’m actually taking the exercise a step further by raising the leg too when you press – great for working on your balance – yet another benefit of pilates.

Exercise 2 – Chest press

Jo using a pilates circle to show how to do a chest press the right way

For this next exercise, stand in a plié position, with the feet turned out and bring the circle in front of the chest.

Gently press the circle together, finding tone.

Work into the shoulders, chest and arm. Try not to squeeze too hard.

Exercise 3 – Tricep press

Jo demonstrating a tricep press, using a pilates circle or ring

For the next exercise – come down onto the floor – into a four point kneeling position.

Hold onto one of the pads on the circle with an open palm – don’t “white knuckle it!” – keep your hand relaxed.

Then, gently push down and slowly release.

The circle provides that resistance as you push down – working the back of the tricep. You should also feel resistance as you release too.

You might find the circle wobbles a little – that’s good! It means you have to show control in your movement, to keep it steady.

Exercise 4 – Inside thigh press

Jo places the pilates ring between her thighs and shows how to strngthen inner thighs

This is one of my “go to” exercises – I love this – it really works!

Have your legs at 45 degrees and place the circle between them. Make sure you spine is in a neutral position – your Anterior superior iliac spine joints (ASIS for short!) should be in line with your pubic bone. I talk through this position in the video below.

Then slowly press the knees together, exhaling and then slowly release, inhaling.

Make sure you control both the contraction and the release during this exercise, for maximum effect! You will really feel this after just a few contractions – the resistance of the circle really does work.

If you’re feeling brave, you can then finish the exercise by doing small repeater movements.

Exercise 5 – Outside thigh press

Jo places her legs inside the pilates ring and demonstrates a final exercise

Finally – place your legs inside the circle and then raise them to 90 degrees initially – again, the video below shows this clearly.

Inhale and then allow the knees to fall slowly to the right – in a controlled way. You can see that pose in the image above. Don’t let them ‘flop!’ – have control.

Then, rotate them all the way over to the left – again, with control. Use your core!

This is brilliant to keep the body guessing, like so many of the workouts that I produce for our brilliant members.

There are dozens and dozens of exercises that you can do with the pilates circle – but hopefully this has given you a good taster.

Pilates ring exercises – video workout

If you like what you see above – click play on the video below for a short workout – with plenty of explanation too.

I hope you enjoy my teaching style. If you do, I have over a dozen different pilates ring exercise workouts inside my Workout Club.

To give you a taste of how I teach – why not try one of my free Pilates workouts? Click the link – and get started today – maybe you’re about to start a new habit today? I do hope so.

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This week, ‘Fearless February’ my BRAND NEW monthly fitness challenge was released onto the website.

This 4 week fitness challenge will really focuses on making you feel wonderfully sculpted and toned. Using more of the small equipment this month.

This programme includes:

💥4 varied classes a week targeting different parts of the body.

💥 A motivational pack with wall chart planner to chart your progress.

💥 2 brand new 30 min workouts each week in addition to the other 2 workouts each week, hand picked by me from our back catalogue, to complement the 2 new weekly classes .

💥 A live zoom chat with me and other Weekly Workout members.

💥Every class within this programme is completely different with inventive choreography .. this month i use a lot of the small equipment.

This is my 13th 😳 monthly fitness and Pilates challenge that I have released onto my website (the other 12 are stored on the website for you still to do) and from the thousands of comments and emails I receive I know you will enjoy them. So I’m just so thrilled to give you another one to make you look and feel the best yet about yourself……..and once again

💥 This programme will be included as part of the Weekly Workout Club at no additional cost, along with my Menopause Metamorphosis programme.

💥 Click here if you are interested in joining the club and becoming part of the Weekly Workout Family… Let’s do this together! 🥰

My guiding quote for Fearless February

In the dictionary, the term fearless is referred to as:

“If someone is fearless, you mean that they are not afraid at all, and you admire them for it”

I admire many people that I deem fearless,although sometimes the people I admire might not feel fearless themselves!! From the person that has been diagnosed with an incurable disease, to those that just getting up everyday is a challenge.

In part I think we are all ‘Fearless’ as there are so many challenges we have to face and like it or not we have to face them at sometime.

So, being fearless to me is not the stereotypical hero we expect but the unsung hero that just faces the battles ahead with fear but “feels the fear and does it anyway.’

I primarily used this word for this month’s challenge as I want to let my Workout family know that I think you are all fearless as I know ( from the emails I get) we all face private challenges past, present and future and sometimes exercising can seem too much both physically and mentally … but you do … you battle the demons and you face the challenge ahead….

So for that, I think you are all fearless and I love you for it!


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Hi! I’m Helen Gambarota and I am delighted to be back with Jo’s Weekly Workout Family to share my love of books with you.

I am a total book nerd and an avid reader and a compulsive book buyer, although I do need to slow down on the book buying as there are piles of books all around the house. I started reviewing books on Instagram as @BestBookFoward almost 4 years ago and I love chatting about books and sharing my passion for reading.

Each month I bring you my recommendation of a must-read book. I read a variety of genres so it could be anything from fiction, non-fiction, romance, historical fiction or a thriller and I really hope that you’ll enjoy each of them as much as I do.

If you’d like more book inspiration you can find my reviews on my Instagram account which is @BestBookForward, on Facebook or on my website


Ahh February, I love this month so much.  I always find that January is a bit of a struggle, but February to me feels like a time for fresh starts; the greyness and the dark evenings are behind us and Spring is just around the corner.  For my book choice this month I wanted to give you something really lovely and uplifting to curl up with so let me tell you a little bit about Em & Me by Beth Morrey.

The final release front cover of Em & Me

Delphine Jones is a young single mum struggling to make ends meet while raising her daughter Em.  Once upon a time Delphine had big dreams; she was going to go to university, travel the world and make her mark but, well, sometimes life has other ideas.

Now, she wants more for her and for her daughter and she remembers something she has had all along; hope.  As Delphine begins to remember who she once was and what she is capable of her world opens up, offering new opportunities, adventures and even the possibility of loving again, she just needs to find away to put the past behind her.

For me when I read Em & Me it very much felt like it was the right book at the right time.

“It is so relatable, I think we all lose ourselves a little along the way and this was just the most wonderfully heartwarming story.”

One of the characters that Delphine meets is Letty, she’s a fabulous French woman, believe me you’ll just love her.  There was one scene where she talks to Delphine about how we have to enrich your souls, which I just loved.

It was one of those moments where a work of fiction made me stop and think about what enriches my own soul and I love a book that gets you thinking.

Em & Me is a story of mothers, daughters, the power of female friendships and following your dreams and I really hope that you will love it as much as I did.

Em & Me is out now in hardback, and as a bonus book this month, if you haven’t yet read Beth’s debut novel Saving Missy it is now available in paperback.

You can buy your copy from Amazon here, or from all good bookshops.

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