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I’ve recently posted this series of foot strength exercises on Instagram and I got such an amazing response, I thought it would benefit more people here …

Foot strength exercises part 1

You can do these whilst watching TV …
Try these 2 favourite exercises of mine for your foot/body health as..
Toe spreading/ spacing improves balance, strength and flexibility and creates optimal toe alignment 🦶

👣Toe Spacing
👣Toe Spreading


Good foot stability and mobility is of the upmost importance in alignment of the whole body. As I always say,

“a tree always needs good roots to grow so, we need good foot alignment (from the ground up in order to ensure correct movement patterns in our bodies”

The fundamentals of the feet have massive implications further up the kinetic chain of the body.👣🦶

Try to do the toe spacing for 10 mins a night and start to see a change, creating strong mobile feet.

Foot strength exercises part 2

Try these 3 exercises as Toe spreading/ spacing improves balance, strength and flexibility of the foot and creates optimal toe alignment

1️⃣ Toe spacing and ankle rotations
2️⃣ The Toe wave
3️⃣ Big Toe isolations

In my classes online I always comment that for the majority of the day we shove our feet in shoes and boots, having no awareness of the implications of this on our overall body’s alignment. Footwear over time has weakened our feet causing all sorts of problems 👣🥹

The fundamentals of the feet have massive implications further up the kinetic chain of the body.👣🦶

Foot strength exercises part 3


It was so wonderful to be mentioned in the The Times newspaper last week, talking feet 👣

Here are my final 7 exercises in my series of 3 for the feet.

As keeping the feet flexible and strong is so important to reduce not only foot and ankle pain but also improving daily tasks as the feet are the foundation of the body. So, good flexibility and strength of the feet and ankles helps in injury prevention.

🦶Toe elevated heel raises
🦶Heel raises ball between the ankles
🦶Toes elevation walk forward and back
🦶Ankle point and flex
🦶Ankle rotations both ways
🦶Calf stretch (gastrocnemius)
🦶Calf stretch (soleus)

Try these exercises for 1 minute each.

I really hope you find these helpful and if you’d like more of my tips for exercise and health, you can follow me for plenty more tips like this on Instagram …

Alternatively, if you’d like to put your toe in the water (see what I did there?) why not take a look at some of my free online pilates classes.

Enjoy ❤️


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Jennifer Aniston and I have a lot in common!! ❤️

I have never really opened up before about my journey through IVF and how I felt going through it, so when I was approached by the @thetimes I was nervous.

But when asked so sensitively about this topic and with the subsequent passing of time, it made me think it was ok to say out loud … “Not being able to have children!” and to discuss what I went through – both funny and sad! and if can help just one person, then I was going to do it.

And I have. You can read the article in The Times here.

After 2 failed IVF attempts it was on the last attempt that we were told in no uncertain terms that I would not be able to have children as I was in the menopause.

To be told I wasn’t going to have children was a shock but to hear that I was menopausal was another … a double whammy – I was only 32!

I was told to go away and grieve for the children I would never have AND at the same time try to navigate my way through menopause! This was very much alone, as there wasn’t the exposure it has now.

At that point, my world fell apart!  As I said to lovely Anna the journalist from the Times

“It’s just Shit!”

I was mourning the mother I would never become but also trying to accept the changes in my body (and mind). I felt far too young and alone in this situation.  I wasn’t in the ‘baby club’ and deemed too young to be in the ‘menopausal club’.

I have so much more to say and I will over time but for now …

The reason I wanted to post this additional text to the article published today is for anyone having gone through it, or is currently going through it, I empathise and I understand.

You WILL laugh again, and you WILL find happiness and strengths you never knew you had!

In my life I always try to make people smile, as I think when you have been through ‘stuff’ you have a new found empathy and can certainly look at life differently and live it!

My husband, family, friends, clients and obviously my Online Workout Family are now those I nurture.

Life throws you curveballs and the path you envisioned might not have come to fruition, but that doesn’t mean it will be less happy – it’s just different.

Grief walks alongside me every day, thankfully now silent. Sometimes it will get in my way and trip me up – but I always get back up and carry on!

So, it’s ALWAYS important to remember, NEVER EVER judge anyone, as you never know their story behind the smiles!

Jennifer Anniston I hear you ❤️

Please save and share this article if you think it may help someone.

Jo ❤️

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