Archive for month: July, 2021
Every now and then I aim to showcase a business I really love and believe in – it’s great to champion the smaller business.
Many workout family members have asked about the various outfits that I wear that they’ve spotted on Instagram and so I thought I would showcase a fabulous lady called Natasha and her business, Nulu. Keep reading for a 15% discount off Nulu products 👍
I’m Natasha Roberts and I run Nulu here in the UK and am delighted to be featured in one of Jo’s business spotlights.
Nulu is a South African brand of activewear and our pieces are bright and colourful, or have amazing prints and are really different from other activewear you can buy on the high street.
Often people ask if I’m South African, but I’m not … I’m very English, but I have family in Cape Town and did work there in my younger days! So I have close connections and visited frequently (pre Covid!), and Lucinda who founded Nulu, is one of those friends for many years.
Lucinda launched Nulu in 2009 when she spotted the trend in activewear whilst working in the clothing industry in South Africa. Originally Nulu was a purely yoga brand, but has developed to encompass activewear for not only yogis, but also those being active through pilates, gym classes, running.
As a niche brand, we hope that our customers will love wearing Nulu leggings, tops, etc that not everyone else is wearing, and will compliment other items in their activewear wardrobe! The brand is supposed to be fun and playful, making you feel good about what you wear.
For me, when it’s a rainy, dreary day in the UK I love seeing the latest designs and prints that Lucinda has chosen for a product range…..a bit of bright sunshine and colour from Cape Town.
I’ve really missed being able to meet customers over the last year as I used to sell Nulu at gyms, studios, house sales and fairs but am looking forward to getting out there again. Although you can buy online via our website or Instagram. I’m always happy for people to visit me at home to try items – just message me if you are in the South East!
So if you fancy a new pair of yoga leggings or a vest for a Pilates workout, please take a look at Nulu and I hope there might be something to tempt you. Our green palms leggings look fabulous on Jo, it could be you too!
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Hi! I’m Helen Gambarota and I am delighted to be back with Jo’s Weekly Workout Family to share my love of books with you.
I am a total book nerd. An avid reader and a compulsive book buyer, although I do need to slow down on the book buying as there are piles of books all around the house. I started reviewing books on Instagram as @BestBookFoward almost 4 years ago and I love chatting about books and sharing my passion for reading.
Each month I bring you my recommendation of a must-read book. I read a variety of genres so it could be anything from fiction, non-fiction, romance, historical fiction or a thriller and I really hope that you’ll enjoy each of them as much as I do.
If you’d like more book inspiration you can find my reviews on my Instagram account which is @BestBookForward, on Facebook or on my website
Last month I took you back in time to 1950’s Florence with Still Life by Sarah Winman which I really hope you’ve enjoyed. This month I’m taking you on another journey, but this one couldn’t be more different – as it is a Post-Apocalyptic story.
I used to devour dystopian novels; The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood and 1984 by George Orwell being two of my favourites.
When The Stranding by Kate Sawyer landed on my desk, my first thought was I don’t know if I feel like reading this while living through a pandemic, but the premise was so original and interesting that my curiosity go the better of me and I just had to pick it up straight away.
Let me give you a quick spoiler-free rundown of the plot.

Note the cover has since changed – this was a preview copy.
The story is about a woman named Ruth who is leaving her life behind to head off on an adventure to New Zealand. When she lands in New Zealand there is chaos at the airport as news breaks that Europe has been destroyed. Ruth finds herself on a beach with a stranger called Nick. Together they decide to crawl into the mouth of a dead whale to try and escape what is coming. When they emerge they find that the world has been destroyed and that they are completely alone.
What follows is the story of how they decide to build a life together with what they have available to them; and that is all I’m going to tell you, as I don’t want to spoil it.
Now if at this point you’re thinking this isn’t the book for you, I really would urge you to pick it up. I know a lot of books in this genre can be pretty harrowing (I’m thinking of The Road by Cormac McCarthy) but The Stranding left me feeling really hopeful. Parts of the story reminded me of the very start of the pandemic. When we first went into lockdown, people were panic buying and there was just an awful feeling of uncertainty, but as the days went on, we learned to be more resourceful and kind to one another. We also saw nature healing, as the pollution levels dropped.
While we never find out what the event is that happens in The Stranding, I felt it was another brilliant reminder for us to be more mindful and to take greater care of our planet which we are so careless with.
The Stranding is Kate Sawyer’s debut novel and I am so excited to see what she will write next.
I had the opportunity to chat to Kate on an Instagram Live recently and she said
“I hope that it makes people think about what is important in life.”
I have to say it worked for me.
It’s a book that is so beautifully written, it is just captivating and it’s one that stays with you long after you turn the final page.
I really hope that you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.
You can buy your copy from Amazon here, or from all good bookshops.
Katie Bishop is back with another recipe to make your mouth water – this month – it’s spiced oat cookies. Yum!
They’re super easy to make – why not involve the children during the school holidays?
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Time to cook: 10-12 minutes
Serves: 6 people – if they have two each 😉
75g wholemeal flour
1 tsp baking powder
75g porridge oats
50g caster sugar
1/2-1 tsp mixed spice
75g butter
1 tbsp golden syrup
2 tbsp milk
Let’s get cooking …
Preheat the oven to 180C, gas mark 4 and line a baking tray with baking parchment.
- Mix the flour, baking powder, oats, sugar and mixed spice together in a large bowl.
- Melt the butter, syrup and milk together in a small saucepan over a low heat or in the microwave, until just melted.
- Once complete, pour it over the oat mixture and stir everything together until evenly coated.
- Spoon the mixture into 12 rounds on the prepared baking tray – I like to use a round cookie cutter as a guide so they all end up about the same size – and do make sure you leave space between each biscuit, as they will spread during cooking.
- Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden.
- As soon as the tray comes out of the oven, use a large heatproof cutter to ‘scoot’ the hot biscuits.
- Always wanted to know what ‘scooting’ means? Place the cutter over each cookie and swirl it inside the cutter to round the edges. That way they all end up the same size and shape! Leave to cool on the tray.
Watch a video of Katie making these cookies and ‘scooting’!
Katie will be back next month with something else delicious to try.
In the meantime, you can find out more about her at or follow her on Instagram at @ktbishopcooks